============ Installation ============ You can install django-contactform with pip .. code-block:: text pip install django-contactform Requirements ------------ *messages framework* Ensure the Django messages framework is enabled on your project https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.0/ref/contrib/messages/ Enable the app -------------- 1. Add 'contactform' to your `INSTALLED_APPS` settings .. code-block:: python INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'contactform', ] 3. Configure the recipients of your form in your settings .. code-block:: python CONTACTFORM_RECIPIENTS = ['me@example.com'] 4. Include the contactform URLconf in your project urls.py like .. code-block:: python path('contact/', include('contactform.urls')), 5. Add a form to an existing page using the `contact_form` template tag .. code-block:: python {% load contact_form %} {% contact_form %} or add a link to the contact page .. code-block:: html Contact us