======== Settings ======== Following settings are available to customize the form CONTACTFORM_RECIPIENTS ---------------------- Required. A list of recipients to send the message posted using the form. Example: .. code-block:: python CONTACTFORM_RECIPIENTS = ['me@example.com', 'somebody@example.com'] CONTACTFORM_FROM_EMAIL ---------------------- Default: ``settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL`` Example: .. code-block:: python CONTACTFORM_FROM_EMAIL = 'noreply@example.com' CONTACTFORM_SUBJECT ------------------- Default: 'New message' The subject of the email you'll receive when the form is posted CONTACTFORM_MSG_TEMPLATE ------------------------ Default: 'contactform/message.txt' The template used to render the email sent. The following entries will be used as the template's context for rendering: * ``site``: The current [Site](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.0/ref/contrib/sites/) * ``email``: the email field of the form * ``phone``: the phone field of the form * ``comment``: the comment field of the form CONTACTFORM_FRONTEND_FRAMEWORK ------------------------------ Default: None The front-end framework to use to render the form. Available values are * bootstrap * uikit * None If ``None`` the form will be rendered using Django stantart ``form.as_p`` If ``bootstrap`` or ``uikit`` django-widget-tweaks is required to manage css classes of input fields https://pypi.org/project/django-widget-tweaks/ CONTACTFORM_USE_THANKS_PAGE --------------------------- Default: True Display a confirmation page when the form is submited CONTACTFORM_DISPLAY_FORM_TITLE ------------------------------ Default: True Display a title before the form.