========= Templates ========= Base template ------------- All views templates extends the ``contactform/base.html`` template. Create this template in your project with a ``content`` block to update the pages layout. .. code-block:: html {% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %}{% endblock %} View templates -------------- Contact page ~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can customize the contact page creating a ``contactform/contact.html`` template in your project .. code-block:: html {% extends "contactform/base.html" %} {% load contact_form %} {% block content %}


42 plop street xxx City
{% contact_form form %}
{% endblock %} Thanks page ~~~~~~~~~~~ Update the page displayed when the form is submited creating a ``contactform/thanks.html`` template in your project Form templates -------------- The templates used by the ``contact_form`` template tags depends of the ``CONTACTFORM_FRONTEND_FRAMEWORK`` settings, depending of it's value you can customize the form rendering creating one of the following template * ``contactform/form.html`` * ``contactform/form_bootstrap.html`` * ``contactform/form_uikit.html`` .. code-block:: html
{% csrf_token %} {{ form.as_table }}